Why Coaching and Mentoring Employees is Now More Important Than Ever

As you’ll no doubt be aware, the last couple of years have been a strange and unstable time for a lot of businesses. Many organisations have had to pivot on a pinhead, develop new ways of working overnight and navigate paths through ever-changing landscapes.

Business & HR Managers
Sep 2022

As you’ll no doubt be aware, the last couple of years have been a strange and unstable time for a lot of businesses. Many organisations have had to pivot on a pinhead, develop new ways of working overnight and navigate paths through ever-changing landscapes. As a result, it’s never been so important to develop internal talent within the team for strong leadership.

The two key reasons to coach and mentor employees

Why invest in coaching and leadership right now? Our HR Consultants are here to tell you there are two clear reasons why it’s a vital time to be nurturing your up-and-coming leaders in-house.

1. Building up strength and agility in leadership

Between supply chain disruptions, changing workplace structures and uncertain business conditions, it’s essential to have strong and agile leadership guiding the ship. You may already have quality leadership in place – but what about two or five years down the track, and beyond? You most likely have promising employees within the organisation who genuinely align with its values and vision. It makes sense to develop a leadership and coaching program that will identify, motivate and equip these invaluable future leaders.  

2. Empowering professional development

Right now, a significant number of employees are clearly dissatisfied with their role and employer. According to NAB research, one in five Australians changed jobs last year and a quarter are considering leaving their current workplace. What does this mean for your organisation? If you have quality talent that you’ve invested in and want to keep around, it’s time to focus on retention if you aren’t doing so already. Professional development is a key driver of employee engagement, amongst other factors. Invest in professional and leadership development, and enjoy the positive impact of coaching on employee performance and retention.

How IMPACT coaching helps employees and organisations

Effective mentorship, coaching and leadership training should be tailored to your organisation’s unique culture and workflow. Our own IMPACT coaching methodology dives deep into your business strategy, develops a clear coaching roadmap and delivers action-based learning for expediated development. Up-and-coming talent will gain a better understanding of their strengths, greater role clarity, ownership of business deliverables and team alignment. Crucially, they also gain the skills to deal with business headwinds and transformative change for organisational agility.

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